Can I Use Hyaluronic Acid After Dermaplaning ?

The use of hyaluronic acid after dermaplaning has seen a rise in popularity in recent years, with many people looking to improve their skin’s overall health and appearance. Dermaplaning is an exfoliating procedure that removes the top layer of dead skin cells and is often followed up with the use of hyaluronic acid. But can you really use hyaluronic acid after dermaplaning? In this article, I will be exploring the benefits and safety of using hyaluronic acid after dermaplaning.

I will discuss:
• What is dermaplaning
• What is hyaluronic acid
• The benefits of using hyaluronic acid

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What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is an exfoliating procedure that is used to remove dead skin and vellus hair (peach fuzz) from the face. This is done with an instrument that looks like a scalpel and has a very thin blade. It is typically done to improve skin texture and tone, and can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and acne scars. According to a survey by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, dermaplaning is becoming increasingly popular and is seen as a safe and effective procedure.

The procedure is generally very well tolerated by most people, however, when it comes to using hyaluronic acid after dermaplaning, it’s important to be mindful of the timing. Hyaluronic acid is a water based substance that helps to moisturize and plump the skin, however, it should not be used immediately after dermaplaning. Applying hyaluronic acid immediately after the procedure may cause the skin to become irritated and can even lead to breakouts.

Instead, it’s recommended to wait at least 24 hours after the procedure has been finished before applying hyaluronic acid. This will give the skin time to heal and recover, and help ensure that the hyaluronic acid is properly absorbed. It’s also important to use products that are specifically designed for use after dermaplaning. These products often contain ingredients that help soothe the skin and reduce any irritation caused by the procedure.

In addition to using the right products, it

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that physically removes the outermost layer of dead skin cells, facial hair, and dirt from the face. It offers several benefits, one of the most notable being a smoother and brighter complexion. Studies have shown that dermaplaning can increase skin hydration by an average of 40%, as well as stimulate collagen production. Additionally, there is the potential for dermaplaning to improve the absorption of topical skincare products, leading to even greater skin health benefits.

In regard to hyaluronic acid, it is an excellent product to use after dermaplaning because it helps to replenish moisture and draw hydration to the skin. Hyaluronic acid also helps to plump and firm the skin, restoring a youthful complexion. Furthermore, it can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and discoloration. The product is readily available over the counter and should be applied twice daily, post dermaplaning.

In conclusion, dermaplaning is an effective way to exfoliate the skin, while hyaluronic acid can further enhance the beneficial effects of dermaplaning. With regular use, you can enjoy a brighter and healthier complexion with fewer signs of aging. If you are considering dermaplaning, it is important to consult with a licensed professional for the best outcome.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid, also referred to as HA, is a naturally occurring substance found in our skin and joints. It is a carbohydrate molecule that retains moisture, helping to keep skin hydrated and with its anti-aging properties, younger looking. Dermaplaning is a method of exfoliating the skin by using a scalpel to remove dead skin and vellus hair. This leaves the skin smooth and allows for better product absorption.

The question of whether you can use hyaluronic acid after dermaplaning is an important one. The answer is yes, but there are a few considerations before doing so. First, it’s important to wait at least 24 hours after dermaplaning before applying HA. When applying, use a lightweight, low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid formula. This will help to avoid skin irritation and reduce the risk of over-hydrating the skin.

In addition to being used as a topical application, hyaluronic acid can also be injected to areas of the face to help plump and fill out wrinkles and lines. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 1.2 million hyaluronic acid filler treatments were performed in 2020. While dermaplaning is not recommended prior to injections, it is perfectly safe to receive injections before or after dermaplaning.

Hyaluronic acid is an excellent ingredient to add to any skin care routine, whether you’ve had dermaplaning or not. As

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid

Dermaplaning is a popular skincare treatment that exfoliates the skin and removes the vellus hair, commonly referred to as peach fuzz. But too much exfoliation can leave your skin feeling dry and sensitive. This is when hyaluronic acid comes in! Hyaluronic acid helps to restore moisture and hydrate the skin.

If you’re considering adding hyaluronic acid to your skincare routine after dermaplaning, you’ll be happy to know that it can be very beneficial! Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that helps to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. It can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging that can be exacerbated by dermaplaning.

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According to a study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, hyaluronic acid can help to improve the elasticity of the skin. It can also help to improve skin texture and support the production of collagen, which is essential for keeping the skin looking youthful. Additionally, hyaluronic acid can help to reduce inflammation, which is key for avoiding irritation after dermaplaning.

If you’re looking to add hyaluronic acid to your skincare routine, it’s important to find a product specifically designed for use after dermaplaning. Many moisturizers contain hyaluronic acid, but they may not be effective after dermaplaning. It’s best to look for

Can You Use HA After Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a popular exfoliating technique that involves using a scalpel to gently scrape away dead skin cells and fine facial hair. Many people wonder if they can apply hyaluronic acid (HA) after dermaplaning as part of their skincare routine. The answer is yes – applying HA after dermaplaning can be beneficial for many skin types.

HA is naturally found in our skin and helps to lock in moisture, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Studies show that applying HA topically can help to reduce transepidermal water loss, restore the skin barrier, and increase skin hydration. Using it after dermaplaning can help to further hydrate the skin and restore its natural protective barrier.

It is important to note that some people may experience some irritation after dermaplaning. If this is the case, you should wait at least 24 hours before applying any skincare products, including HA. Additionally, HA should only be used in moderation. Too much can leave skin feeling greasy and can reduce the effectiveness of other skincare products.

Overall, applying HA after dermaplaning is perfectly safe and can help to improve skin health. However, it is important to do your research and speak with a dermatologist or skincare professional about your particular skin type and needs. With the right care, you can safely reap the benefits of both dermaplaning and HA.

Benefits of Combining Treatments

Dermaplaning and hyaluronic acid can both be beneficial on their own when it comes to improving skin texture and hydration. However, when the two treatments are combined, the results can be even more dramatic. Studies have shown that combining the exfoliation of dermaplaning with the hydration of hyaluronic acid can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin tone and texture, and reduce the appearance of dark spots.

The benefits of combining treatments are especially apparent in the case of dermaplaning and hyaluronic acid. Dermaplaning works to remove dead skin cells and fine facial hair so that the skin can better absorb active ingredients like hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid helps to draw moisture to the skin, maintaining hydration and improving skin elasticity.

The combination of dermaplaning and hyaluronic acid is a great way to achieve long-lasting results. Studies have found that the combination of the two treatments can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve skin hydration for up to three weeks after the treatment. Furthermore, dermaplaning leaves the skin smoother, making it easier for other products to penetrate the skin and get to work.

If you’re considering combining dermaplaning and hyaluronic acid, it’s important to find a qualified professional who can advise on the best approach for your skin type. The team at [Name of Clinic] are highly experienced in performing both treatments and can tailor a plan that will help you achieve

Potential Risks of Combining Treatments

Combining dermaplaning and hyaluronic acid treatments can be a great way to achieve glowing skin. However, there are potential risks to consider before doing so. Since both treatments are quite invasive, it’s important to make sure patients understand the potential side effects.

According to a study published in the journal Dermatology, combining the two treatments can result in increased skin sensitivity, especially in those with eczema or other skin conditions. Additionally, it can cause inflammation and redness, especially when too much hyaluronic acid is used. The American Academy of Dermatology adds that other complications can include pain, swelling, infection, and scarring.

It is therefore advised to wait at least 48 hours after dermaplaning before using hyaluronic acid. Additionally, those with sensitive skin should take extra precaution and consult with a dermatologist before combining the two treatments.

Finally, it’s important to consider the potential risks of any treatment before undergoing it. Patients should discuss any potential risks with their doctor before combining dermaplaning and hyaluronic acid treatments. Doing so can help ensure that the desired result is achieved while keeping the skin safe and healthy.


dermaplaning and hyaluronic acid can be used together for a more effective skincare routine. Not only does dermaplaning exfoliate the skin, but it also helps hyaluronic acid penetrate deeper into the skin and maximize its benefits. However, it is important to wait at least 24 hours after dermaplaning to apply hyaluronic acid. This allows the skin to heal and prevents any potential irritation. Furthermore, it is important to use a hyaluronic acid product that is specifically designed for your skin type. To ensure the best results, it is best to consult with a skincare professional to find the best combination of products for your needs. By following these tips, you can reap the full benefits of dermaplaning and hyaluronic acid for a healthier, more vibrant complexion. It is worth the effort to create a tailored skincare routine that works best for you.

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